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Free Range Discontinuation

Since 2005, Zoobiotic Ltd. (trading as BioMonde) has strived to provide its customers with a varied product range that provides value and delivers a successful outcome. We have been dedicated to supporting our customers to achieve this through the provision of expert clinical and product education and advice. Our BioBag products have grown in popularity and have built the trust and confidence of our customers and Free Range now comprises of less than 4% of usage. Due to regulatory and supply constraints it is no longer commercially viable for us to manufacture and supply Free Range larvae so we will be discontinuing them from our product line effective from the 1st of January 2021. Our BioBag range remains unaffected and will continue to be available.

The concept of bagged larvae was introduced in 1999 and has since proven itself to be equally effective as Free Range but has additional benefits including of ease of use, increased patient acceptance, improved infection control (containment), rapid application and removal, and ease of wound assessment. Due to the available published evidence and our experience supporting thousands of treatments we are confident that most of your non-healing and infected wounds deemed suitable for Free Range larvae can be appropriately treated using BioBag.

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